Ara Stephen

Private Schools-Upholding Traditions

Private Schools have been often considered a school for only those families of wealth and influence in the community. With a reported 33,600 private schools in the United States alone, with an enrollment of over six million students, private schools continue to excel in educational values that were founded by the fore fathers of education over 350 years ago. Teaching leaders of tomorrow while upholding stringent values and traditions of a formal and private education, private schools bring forth a higher level of education to all, regardless of income or social placement within any community.

Private Schools are normally found in grades kindergarten through eighth (8) grade although larger institutions offer education levels of kindergarten through High School at the same location or campus.. Larger institutions of learning may include a lower school through upper school on the same campus without moving to new locations at the beginning of each new school year.  Returning students have a definite advantage with the familiarity of all buildings associated with a particular school environment, there-by eliminating the annual anticipation of attending a new school each year. With smaller class sizes, students receive additional attention of teachers furthering a valued learning experience with increased comprehension of course materials.

Private Schools adhere to strict dress codes. Students are required to wear specific clothing which often include skirts and blouse top for girls with appropriate low profile shoes, while boys are required to wear pants with polo tops and black shoes. Colors vary from school to school and are determined by the administrative staff. Those not dressed appropriately are sent home until the proper attire is worn.

Fay School

Private Schools focus on the education of their students with accelerated courses available taught at college increments. Teaching not only the leaders of tomorrow to become productive members of society, private school students are taught traditional core values, including respect to other class members with a no tolerance policy regarding cheating, bullying or any form of misconduct. Where discipline is conducted by the Head Master or other designated member of the staff,  harsh punishment may include suspension and possible permanent expulsion to those that find it hard to abide by the polices previously set forth.

Private Schools do not admit all that apply. Although encouraged to apply, private schools are selective in the students that are admitted based on many factors which include overall attitude and willingness to learn at an accelerated pace, if required. Although often reported, admittance to students is not based on family financial ability moreover on what is of greater value, the student. Financial assistance is available on an as –needed basis.

Private Schools do not discriminate and are ethically, morally and economicallywide-ranging. With over 27 percent (27%) of students of various nationalities, students of low-economic backgrounds are three-four times more likely to achieve a higher degree in a field of their choosing upon reaching twenty years of age. With high moral character instilled, students graduating from private schools continue to uphold traditions.


Choosing a Driving School

Thеrе аrе mаnу tуреѕ оf drіvіng ѕсhооlѕ thаt ѕеrvе dіffеrеnt рurроѕеѕ fоr dіffеrеnt gоаlѕ оf students thаt hоld dіffеrеnt lеvеlѕ оf drіvіng mаѕtеrу. Fоr mаnу реорlе, thеіr fіrѕt аnd оnlу еxреrіеnсе of раrtісіраtіng іn a drіvіng ѕсhооl іѕ thе drіvеr education they rесеіvе іn оrdеr tо obtain thеіr drіvеr’ѕ реrmіt оr thеіr fіrѕt drіvеr’ѕ lісеnѕе. Oftеntіmеѕ these fіrѕt time drіvеrѕ орt tо tаkе аdvаntаgе of drіvіng ѕсhооl classes оffеrеd bу thе hіgh ѕсhооl thаt hе оr she аttеndѕ. You can learn more now at .

Thоugh раrtісіраtіng іn a drіvіng ѕсhооl іn order for prepare оnеѕеlf fоr dераrtmеnt оf mоtоr vеhісlе lісеnѕіng іѕ not mаndаtоrу, mаnу ѕtudеntѕ fееl much mоrе thоrоughlу prepared whеn оbtаіnіng thіѕ kіnd оf ѕtruсturеd drіvеr еduсаtіоn. Addіtіоnаllу, раrеntѕ саn оftеn rесеіvе a discount оn саr іnѕurаnсе роlісіеѕ fоr thеіr сhіld оnсе he оr ѕhе hаѕ раѕѕеd a сеrtіfіеd drіvеr еduсаtіоn соurѕе.

Aѕ wіth аnу tуре оf ѕсhооl оr lеаrnіng еnvіrоnmеnt, thе main thіng tо соnѕіdеr when сhооѕіng a drіvіng ѕсhооl іѕ whісh tуре оf сlаѕѕrооm еnvіrоnmеnt аnd tеасhеr would mаkе learning аѕ еnjоуаblе аѕ possible. Aѕ еvеrуоnе knоwѕ, thе mоrе еnjоуаblе a lеѕѕоn іѕ the mоrе ѕuссеѕѕful the ѕtudеntѕ wіll be. If уоu dеаl wеll wіth rаw іnfоrmаtіоn, chances аrе уоu’ll mоѕt аррrесіаtе a nо frіllѕ tуре оf tеасhеr and еnvіrоnmеnt. You саn rеаd аnd gо оvеr trаffіс rulеѕ оn уоur оwn аnd thеn use thе сlаѕѕ tіmе tо аѕk ԛuеѕtіоnѕ аnd соmраrе nоtеѕ wіth thе оthеr ѕtudеntѕ.

Choosing a Driving School 2

If, hоwеvеr, уоu dо bеttеr іn lеаrnіng environments that аrе hіghlу іntеrасtіvе аnd fun, you mау wish tо ѕееk оut a drіvіng ѕсhооl thаt оffеrѕ сrеаtіvе аррrоасhеѕ tо lеаrnіng trаffіс rulеѕ. Thеѕе tуреѕ оf рrоgrаmѕ оftеn еmрlоу еduсаtіоnаl gаmеѕ аnd іntеrасtіvе асtіvіtіеѕ tо hеlр ѕtudеntѕ fаmіlіаrіzе thеmѕеlvеѕ wіth all оf thе іnfоrmаtіоn and tесhnіԛuеѕ thаt аrе іnvоlvеd іn lеаrnіng how to bе a ѕаfе drіvеr.

Thеrе are driving ѕсhооlѕ thаt оffеr either drіvіng tеѕt рrераrаtіоn оr рrасtісаl drіvіng ѕkіllѕ соurѕеѕ, or bоth. Sоmе drіvіng ѕtudеntѕ рrеfеr tо аttеnd drіvіng сlаѕѕеѕ thаt fосuѕ оnlу оn thе hаndѕ-оn роrtіоnѕ оf lеаrnіng tо drіvе, еіthеr bесаuѕе thеу рrеfеr tо ѕtudу trаffіс lаwѕ bу thеіr ѕеlvеѕ at hоmе, оr because thеу wоuld rather uѕе one оf the оnlіnе drіvіng рrераrаtіоn ѕеrvісеѕ fоr thіѕ роrtіоn оf drіvеr еduсаtіоn. You can learn more now at .

Inсrеаѕіnglу mаnу ѕtudеnt drіvеrѕ орt to enroll іn one оf thе рорulаr оnlіnе drіvеr trаіnіng ѕсhооlѕ. Thеѕе саn bе vеrу hеlрful bесаuѕе thеу рrеѕеnt traffic lаwѕ аnd рrосеdurаl іnfоrmаtіоn іn dуnаmіс аnd іntеrасtіvе fоrmаtѕ. Thіѕ рrеѕеntаtіоn of іnfоrmаtіоn hаѕ mаn аdvаntаgеѕ bеуоnd juѕt mаkіng lеаrnіng mоrе іntеrеѕtіng. An оnlіnе fоrmаt аllоwѕ fоr easy and еffісіеnt сrоѕѕ-rеfеrеnсіng оf drіvіng tеrmѕ thаt саn ѕрееd student fаmіlіаrіtу wіth thе сurrісulum іnvоlvеd іn аbѕоrbіng аll that thеrе іѕ tо lеаrn аbоut trаffіс lаwѕ аnd drіvіng ѕаfеtу.

Most оf thе оnlіnе drіvіng ѕсhооl wеbѕіtеѕ аlѕо оffеr рrасtісе tеѕtѕ that аrе bаѕеd оff оf ѕресіfіс ѕtаtеѕ’ асtuаl dераrtmеnt оf mоtоr vеhісlе tеѕtѕ. Thіѕ саn bе a hugе hеlр in рrераrіng a ѕtudеnt fоr thе lаѕt, and often mоѕt іntіmіdаtіng, раrt оf becoming a fullу lісеnѕеd drіvеr.

Best Career Management Tips You Cannot Afford To Ignore

Not all bright students are the CEOs of successful companies. But why? Even if you are good at your studies, you need the right opportunity to avail. Moreover, it requires proper counseling to get ahead in the cutthroat industry.

Recently I met different senior managers and executive of thriving companies and asked if there is any secret sauce to get success in one’s career. All of them shared some interesting experience, secrets, hacks, tips, tricks and innermost fears that helped them get to new heights of success. Discussed in this post are some of the helpful insights that can reshape, fortify and further your career to unrevealed horizons.

  1. Be accountable:

Stay away from the blame game. When you feel truly yourself responsible for everything that happens to you in professional or personal life, you get a firm belief that the overall success or failure belongs to you, even if you work in a big team or are blindsided by unexpected results. Accountability is something you must be trained in before you take control of a task.

  1. Have an updated resume:

Image- Best Career Management Tips You Cannot Afford To Ignore

Opportunity can knock at your door anytime so you need to be well prepared. Even if you are not searching for a job, you should have an updated resume to prevent last minute revisions and updates. You never know when your dream job opens up and you have to jump on it in a flash. Being proactive when it comes to updating your resume, you can easily pounce on the job opening of your choice.

  1. Focus on your strengths:

Every individual has a definite set of skills. You need to be sure of the areas you excel in. Be clear about what you are passionate about. Devote all your energy in that energy is that particular sector. When you have started something, be it a venture or just a small project, focus on it with all your heart and mind. You can also extend your domain of expertise by earning a life experience degree in the field you have a deep understanding of.

  1. Prepare for the worst situation

Be prepared for the worst. Ask yourself what would be the best thing to do if you are fired at the very instant. Prepare a complete list of simple steps and measure you would take in such critical situations. Being mentally prepared for the worst situation will prevent you from those mini heartaches. Make sure you have a backup plan as a counter-attack. You can also be mindful if you are willing to take such risk or not.

  1. Be courageous

This key tipfor ensuring your career success is affiliated to one’s character.  You should be courageous; courageous to try new things, experiment with latest trends. If you are trying hard to be great, you will eventually stand out. If you are confident about something, you should be courageous enough to defend your guts and your decision. People who stand firm for what they actually believe in are tomorrow’s leaders and are the ones who bring essential changes at communities and companies.

Author Bio:

John Stark has been working in the capacity of acareercounselor for several years. He also manages a blog where he guides his readers about different career tips. John is also a member of a social cause and he devotes much of his time in motivating the youth to bring out new ideas to forth and participate in thenew ventures.


The Story of Dubai and the British Expats

United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) famed Dubai is a desert city that was once barren and bland. Now, it is a bustling metropolis filled with high-rise buildings and complicated roadways weaving throughout the vast expanse of earth and sand. Making an image search on Google and typing “Dubai then and now” shows complete difference between the city as it was presumably in the 1980s or 1990s and the city that people know of today.

The sudden progress of the Arab city in the latter part of the 20th century was not surprising, given its geographical location. Naturally, Dubai is situated on the oil-rich Gulf, and the city leaned on this so-called “black gold” for building the present metropolis. However, the city didn’t only rely on its oil resources. Over the last three decades, Dubai focused on making real estate investments. By the start of the 00’s, property development became a hot commodity, which is the reason why hotels, airports, seaports, and other infrastructure began to emerge like mushrooms.

Slowly but surely, Dubai opened itself up to the rest of the world. Despite being an Arab city, the westernization of Dubai led to the influx of investors, particularly multinational companies, started to take advantage of the prospect of doing business. Now, it is not difficult to find a British international school Dubai as there are many. Indeed, the various industries that keep Dubai’s revenue within tens or hundreds of billions of dollars likewise exposed job opportunities to people of various nationalities, including Brits.

British international school Dubai

It’s easy to see why: the economic growth Dubai is continually experiencing ever since it opened up to foreign investors provided for a stronger demand for workers from various parts of the world. As it is, the Arab city has its key selling points:

  • A wealth of job opportunities
  • A chance to live a lifestyle that is very similar to the Western world; and most importantly
  • Earn money in a city that has a 0% income tax rate

True enough, these have caught the attention of Brits who have been having a hard time dealing with either unemployment rates in their respected home states or the up-and-down economy of the nation. Even those who are within the upper echelon of the corporate organizational structure like upper-management executives have also desired of transferring to Dubai. This paved the way for the influx of Brits to the city as of late. Many have even brought their kids and enrolled them at a British international school Dubai.

A lot of them are expatriates who were either sent by their companies to work and live there temporarily or decided to work and live there permanently with their families. Yes, the prospect of earning wealth is there, but given the city’s westernized look, a lot of them are exposed to certain perks and lifestyle, such as international schools where children can learn, home help services, and of course, tourist attractions. Once you arrive in Dubai, you will almost feel like home because of mentioned factors. However, the culture and norms of UAE are quite different from that of Brits, so you may still have to adapt to these changes once you get there. Given that you have already contact a moving company for your belongings and items, don’t forget to research more about Dubai’s culture, laws, and traditions, which can help you a lot during your adjustment period.

Indeed, Dubai is surely a haven for Brits looking to showcase their skills as professionals and earn hefty income. In a city wherein industries are expected to exponentially grow in a rapid pace, the prospect of working and living in Dubai continues to be enticing for Brits, as well as for other overseas professionals.


Tips to Choose the Best Universities in Meerut – What to Consider?

Studying in universities brings a unique credit and recognition to the students. The degree and Convocation earned from the recognized university can bring ample job opportunities with good placement position in a top organization to the student. However, the challenge is now in selecting the best universities in Meerut that can create you a wonderful learning environment along with creating a strong foundation for your career.

With a number of best universities in Delhi NCR now you need to take some efforts to identify the right one that can fulfill your expectations. In this array, here follow a few tips to help you choose the right and best University in Meerut:
·       Every university has something unique to offer the students. Although they are reputable, they still vary in the courses offered and in their approach
·         Remember, it is your future, therefore, you need to take some efforts to identify the right university that suit your academic preference and career objectives


·         Give importance in selecting the right course you want it from the right university. Don’t just compromise your course or the university, rather take efforts to get both fulfilled at one place
·         The university you choose should give you a better prospect for your job and career opportunities
·         Compared to number of colleges, the universities are less in count and therefore you can easily college the statistics and credits of the university to analyze and choose it
·         The cost of course you are willing to aspire should also be considered. This cost may vary with universities. At the same time the credibility of the university should also considered along with the course you are choosing to get a better recognition in the job market after you obtain your degree or certification
·         Consider the ranking of the university. This will also reflect the competitiveness of the university you are choosing to study. There is no doubt that top ranked university can be the recognized and reputable one in providing best quality education to the students
·         Consider the rating system of the university, which will certainly influence the prospects of the students. The rating will imply performance of the university in all key areas. Highly ranked universities are known for teaching quality, graduate employability, research quality, internationalization, community engagement, innovation, specialist subject, and infrastructure
·          You can also read the experts commentary about the university before you choose. Take the expert’s advice to understand the advantage of choosing the university you prefer to enroll
·         Do a bit of extra research that can help you identify the right university with everything you expect
·         The university fair is an other major consideration you need to consider. By attending the fair conducted by the university can create a chance to understand or get a better idea about the course you are choosing and why you need to enroll in this university
·         You should also try to know the university networks across the city and the country. Some universities will also have their networks in foreign countries, which is beneficial for students want to study abroad while working .

How to Select the Best MBA Colleges in Delhi NCR – What should you Know?

There are a number of MBA colleges in Delhi NCR striving to offer the best education along with hands on experience during their course term. These colleges develop advanced curriculum for the students that they not only just learn but will also learn all essential skills that will make them become a professional. This makes them get enormous opportunities to get a job once they complete their course and come out of college with a Master’s degree in business administration.

Seeking admission in the best MBA University in Delhi is not an easy job. It involves much research and home works to do before you choose the university or college. Remember, the college you choose should be recognized and renowned for providing quality services.

MBA colleges in Delhi NCR
Besides choosing the best college in Delhi to pursue your MBA degree, you should also know certain things about selecting the right program that has ample scopes for your career and job opportunities. In this aspect, here follow a few criteria to consider while choosing your MBA programs:
·         Don’t just get carried over with the data of outstanding students the college has generated, perhaps, you should really know about the percent of international candidates who have successfully completed their degree and gone through the interviews
·         There are also other factors you need to assess, such as the communication skills
·         Make sure that the program you choose will suit your core career objectives and professional requirements
·         Never hesitate to do required research works
·         You should also consider the selectivity rate or the acceptance rate, which will help you to firmly choose the right college and right program according to your goal
Here are a few more added factors to select the right MBA College in Delhi:
·         There are both internal and external factors need to be considered while selecting an MBA college. Don’t just make your decision on the basis of data analysis, perhaps you should also evaluate your personal traits along with
·         Try to do some ground works in terms of cost of course, which should also be affordable to you. You can also expect scholarship that helps manage your finance in huge ways
·         From the collected data or information, try to create a statistical algorithm, which helps to accomplish the expected results to easily select the right MBA college
·         You need to be very clear with your goals and program you certainly want to choose. Based on these factors, try to choose the college that can offer you advanced courses with excellent hands on training for the students
With many factors to consider, remember, pursuing your degree from a top college or university can certainly enable you to get placed at top organizations with global recognition. You will also become eligible for better packages with top positions, such as senior level postings. You will also good credibility and knowledge of dealing with various managerial, administration and business challenges that come across in your job.

Why to join MBA Institute in Gwalior?

MBA is one of the major career prospects for those who have got immense interest in management. Getting an MBA degree in Gwalioror other cities from reputes institutes is itself a great success for students.

Opportunities in MBA

As an MBA student, you have great networking possibility. During your MBA acquisition, you get to know as well as interact with different business minded people. Seminars and practicals are the best ways to get to understand the industry outside.

Your cognition to get ovule capital for opening a new business amend enormously if you have done your MBA degree in Gwalioror other city institutes. You also get to act with the best cognition in the country where you can insight your ideas as well as get a better grip on things.

Process of development of student in MBA

A prominent MBA institute in Gwalior and other cities has a systematized process in place for the improvement of the MBA students to make them appropriate for the industry. The Institute has accurate processes in place for processing the attribute of the students. Students who present all the seminars as well as they try to learn through movies demonstration, appear in at least 50 practice sessions GDs and ridicule interviews, and make at least 30 classroom demonstration, are part of at least 24 organizing citizens committee for national as well as international programs  and are presented to attend bottomless events arranged by other Institutions all over the country.

Role of Institute in MBA program

A team of expert faculty members takes care of the improvement of a desirable skill set which includes soft skills, leadership acquisition, team skills, logical skills, decision making an acquisition and much more with the help of personality development programs which runs end-to-end under two-year program.  Students have a commercial enterprise vulnerability through six to about eight weeks summer internship in companies to get their mind prepared for the factual business outside the campus.

mba gwalior

Why choose an MBA?

The idea of MBA as a subject area originated in the United States as well as now MBA has now turned an esteemed and glorious degree all over the world, which is attracting the people from many of the academic disciplines.There is always a upward demand for the accomplished managers in any system or any establishment in today’s highly antagonistic world because only such expert people can gear the highly exacting situations that organization faces in the period of time of liberalization and globalization.

 MBA Curriculum

Reputed MBA institute in Gwalior and other cities have curriculum consisting of everything from commercial enterprise to marketing to IT to psychological science. This is because it is highly crucial for a flourishing handler to be cognizant of the several attributes of the enterprise such as trading operations, IT, finance, human like resources, marketing and much more. Likewise, a good MBA technologist will also consider courses to evolve the communicating, presentation, creativity, social skills as well as unit building skills in an individualist.  Building up the ability to extract the high-quality work out of their unit is the most crucial takeout from an MBA.

What to Look for When Selecting a Nursery

It is important to consider a number of features when selecting a nursery, it takes a combination of qualities working in harmony to provide a highly professional service. You want your children to feel happy and safe in a supervised, supportive environment, without having to worry about any major issues. It can be a challenging task securing an appropriate day care centre, but with proper research and guidance it can be achieved.

  • Right Learning Environment

Choosing the correct environment which promotes development and learning is crucial for your child, a day care centre should aim to create a setting that encourages growth, exploration, and curiosity. It should allow your children to be inquisitive and work on tasks in bothgroup and independent settings, these types of childcare centres are high quality organisations which focus on creating a place where your child can feel comfortable and flourish in the right learning environment.

  • Trained Staff

One of the most important aspects of any business, including childcare is the quality of staff, they should possess the appropriate degrees and experience to work with children on a daily basis.  The best possible candidates are individuals who have completed higher level education in the field of child care or similar courses, it is not enough to possess a degree, they must also have key personality traits that allow them to work closely with children. Staff members with all the necessary assets can be a huge benefit to their company and the children who attend the day care centre.


  • Safe and Clean Environment

As a parent you want to be able to drop your kids off knowing that they will be educated in a clean and safe environment, the child care centre should be kept impeccably clean considering that staff members will be working with kids. An area which is not properly maintained harbours unwanted bacteria and germs which can easily make your child very ill, you should be vigilant when choosing the right day care centre and always remember to visit the business on a regular basis to ensure staff are maintaining the premises to a high degree of cleanliness.

  • Child Development

It is vital that your child continues to develop both physically and mentally in their current setting, your day care centre should provide the perfect location for this to happen. Your child has to learn and grow through different experiences which can be facilitated by your chosen child care specialist, they learn to play, work, and socialise with other individuals while developing key life skills. Mixing with other kids improves essential motor and linguistic skills. A family may look to centres such as Sandfield Day Nursery to provide a professional service for their children.

Some of the components discussed above are important to consider when choosing an appropriate nursery, but with the right attitude and a little research you will surely find the best institute for your child.

Online Guitar Lessons: Pleasurable And Convenient Journey Of Learning Music

The Internet has opened doors for the people in various forms. One can learn anything and everything with the help of the internet. This includes learning a musical instrument too with the help of online sites likes Mio and much more. Mio stands for Music India Online and is a musical site which helps the individual listen as well as learn music by taking online sessions as per one’s convenience. One can get the music from any of the languages as well as genres according to the individual preference and can learn by following the online demos. Taking online guitar lessons on the mio site is fast picking up especially among the younger generation. More and more kids are getting attracted towards the same and making it their favorite pastime these days.

These musical sites like mio help the people take their interest forward and learn the various genres of music as per one’s individual preference. These online lessons are especially good for the people who are working or studying and cannot regularly attend the classes at a musical institute. These online guitar lessons on the mio site help people attain their goal and learn the musical instrument without going anywhere. Such lessons hold great significance in the field of music and are well recognized too. Thus one can follow them without any kinds of second thoughts.


Advantages of learning a musical instrument

Learning a musical instrument provides mental peace and comfort to the body. It makes the person change into a very different person with more peace and serenity in his or her attitude. In some of the Indian states, it is mandatory to learn either a musical instrument or any of the dance forms in the early years of life and thus become proficient in the same. This activity comes with various advantages of its own.

Advantages in the form that it makes the person look at things in a peaceful manner, reduce the stress, and not shout at anyone at any point of time. It helps the person gain mastery on a particular musical instrument. Thus, a person learning a musical instrument or a dance form must be encouraged to do so and should be provided the much-needed support at all points of time.

Learning a musical instrument helps building the concentration power of an individual, develop creativity, and increase productivity. In addition, practicing for the same gives immense pleasure as well as the habit of regular practice. Thus, a person tends to practice things no matter whether it is studying or playing a musical instrument or maybe something else.

Online guitar lessons on the mio site even allow an individual to improvise the music as per the demand of the time. Thus, it helps to highlight the best an individual has in terms of learning, knowledge, and experience with the instrument. All this matters a lot and makes a huge difference for such an individual.

Get benefited with the crossword puzzles solutions available online:

Problems are the thing which makes the people depressed and stress full. Yet, they love to play crossword games. The main reason is that the crossword puzzles are the problems that are accompanied with the right clue. Just imagine the case when all our problems had been accompanied with such a clue on real life. It would be really pleasure and people would tend to find the solution for the problem quite soon.

The crossword puzzles are the form of puzzles that refreshes the brain of the person. The person can also gain more knowledge by solving the puzzles correctly. The crossword puzzles provide us with the varied thoughts and the persistence of the persons might also get increased. Persistence is the case where the person tends to exist for a prolonged period of time.

By solving the puzzles, the persistence of the person gets increased and it might also give him the advantage to the mental ability of him. Increased persistence is also the good sign of the successful person. By solving the puzzles, the eagerness and the motive to complete the puzzle soon might be the good factor to be encouraged. Even a single thing had not to be left out according to their mind.

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The crossword puzzle help available at the website mentioned above would help you to assist on for the answers for the questions which are not known to you. By just entering the clue to be upheld, you can gain the right answer from the website. Visit the website and gain the answers available.